2018年2月18日 星期日


H:20180218W7在18:39至19:26看Direcovery Asia的中國文化之旅第3集中德混血的節目主持人丹妮斯凱勒,生動活潑的主持方式,令人拍手叫好
亚洲最具活力的名人 Denise Keller,全名Denise Lorraine Keller,中文译名丹尼斯·凯丽(黛妮丝·凯立),出生于新加坡,曾在纽约、香港、东京担任模特儿工作,也是多项品牌代言大使、电视主持人以及时尚名媛的她,于2002年时获选成为亚洲MTV频道首席女性VJ,同时也多次担任许多国际时尚杂志封面女郎、并且很幸运地曾与来自世界各地包括韩国、杜拜、东京以及新加坡的顶级摄影师、化妆师及发型设计师紧密合作,在这么多时尚经验的灌溉下,Denise Keller以其时尚敏锐度及不凡之姿,成为最令人期待的时尚新星。

中文名:丹尼斯·凯丽英文名:Denise Lorraine Keller籍贯:新加坡




名模Denise Keller

 denise keller,亚洲最具活力的名人,全名Denise Lorraine Keller,中文译名丹尼斯·凯丽(黛妮丝·凯立)。爸爸是德国人,妈咪是中国人,她是中德混血儿。1982年3月24日出生在新加坡(Singapore),是新加坡名模和MTV Asia的主持人。 白羊座(Aries),属狗(Dog)。[1]    

生于新加坡的Denise Keller曾在纽约、香港、东京担任模特儿,也是多项品牌代言大使、电视主持人以及时尚名媛的她,于2002年时获选成为亚洲MTV频道首席女性VJ,同时也多次担任许多国际时尚杂志的封面女郎,并且很幸运地曾与来自世界各地包括韩国、杜拜、东京以及新加坡的顶级摄影师、化妆师及发型设计师紧密合作。此次她受邀成为万事达卡亚太时尚大使,并出演品牌“真情无价”活动,电视广告以“千面女郎”为主题,为我们展现了时尚带给亚洲女性的活力和风采。[2]  


相信在许多广告中,大家已慢慢注意到这位充满魅力的时尚型女,她健康的肤质搭配着甜美笑容早已掳获不少人心,她是亚洲最具活力的名人 - Denise Keller。 

代言:LG手机、鹰牌花旗参、Red Earth  

2003年的代言彩妆品牌red earth

red earth2003年的代言人由来自新加坡的德国、新加坡混血儿Denise担任。受东西方文化的熏陶,Denise集幽雅和冷峻的特质于一身,周身洋溢着中西合璧、多元化的时尚气质。年仅20岁的她还曾担任过YSL、资生堂等著名品牌的代言人,结合她极致完美的肌肤,red earth的经典之美被演绎得淋漓尽致。

SMS Gallery
Denise Lorraine Keller ! A Singaporean model and a host for MTV Asia.

Denise Lorraine Keller is a Singaporean model and a host for MTV Asia. She was born in Singapore on March 24, 1982. She is of Eurasian ancestry, her father is German and her mother Chinese. She was educated at the German International School in Singapore and has one older sister, Nadine Keller.

At age 13, she was discovered in a shopping mall by a modeling scout and soon signed with a modeling agency.

Keller became Singapore's representative in Ford's Supermodel of the World finals in 2000, for which she won the title. Throughout her modeling career, she has been the face of countless TV and print commercial campaigns. Among the various TV shows she has hosted was the Ford Supermodel Singapore Finals in 2001.

By 2002, she had modeled everywhere from New York City to Hong Kong to Tokyo. And in that year, she got her biggest break yet when she was selected to be the female VJ for MTV Asia. She has hosted the past two MTV Asia awards and has interviewed rock, pop, and hip hop superstars from all around the world.

In 2005 Denise Keller took part in Singapore's second English language reality dating program Eye for a Guy 2. In this program several eligible bachelors pursued the affections of Ms. Keller in this "Bachelorette"-style program. While well received by critics and its viewers, Eye for a Guy 2 was plagued by low viewership throughout most of its run. This only changed during the final two episodes when Ms. Keller made her choice among the final two suitors, Howard Shan Lo and Wolfgang Gorny. Even then, the final episodes were dogged by controversy regarding 'leaked' photographs of Denise Keller and Wolfgang Gorny together in Bali. Detractors of the series accused these 'leaked' photos to be nothing more than a ploy to increase viewership of the series. Eye for a Guy 2 ended with Denise Keller choosing Wolfgang Gorny as the man who won her affections. Despite the low viewership of the series, Denise Keller was lauded as being a superior and more compelling bachlorette when compared to the first series' bachelorette, Rachel Lee.

Howard Lo was rumored to be tapped for the lead in an Eye for a Girl series but later denied these claims. To date there has been no Eye for a Girl series shown.

In September 2006, Keller and Dick Lee hosted a luxury lifestyle program shown in Singapore, entitled The Finer Side. This program featured the two hosts as they toured the glitzy and opulent side of Singapore and also featured candid chats with the city's rich, famous and powerful citizens regarding the extravagant lifestyles they lead.

Also in September 2006, Keller took a two-month sabbatical break in order to study theater arts at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute in New York City. Prior to this she traveled to New York City to cover the MTV Video Music Awards for MTV Asia.

Denise Keller is currently working as a VJ for MTV Asia.

In 2007 Keller served as Mastercard's Fashion Ambassador for the Singapore Fashion Festival. She interviewed some of the world's top models and fashion designers in this capacity. She repriced this role in the 2008 Singapore Fashion Festival. Keller was the star of Mastercard's 'Priceless' campaign in Asia Pacific. Also in autumn 2007, Keller was a spokesperson for Hong Kong's Luxury week.

In 2008, Keller was filmed as the host of Discovery Travel & Living's new series Passage to Malaysia

